Friday, June 1, 2018



As many of you know, I grew up in Indiana. A job landed me in Florida in 1989 and I never looked back. I love my new state, and can not imagine living anywhere else.

However, there are a few things I miss about the Hoosier State. The top of the list is High School Basketball. I came from a school with a total of 8 State Titles. 

 And one of the “losses” in the final game became the inspiration for the movie “Hoosiers”. (A great sports flick, even though we lost)

The other thing I miss has to be the Indy 500. Every May, I get that urge to feel the crowd and hear the roar of those 33 cars as they speed around that two and a half mile oval at speeds of 230 miles per hour. But I digress.

The thing I REALLY miss is the Breaded Tenderloin Sandwiches. I grew up on those, and they are a mid west delicacy. I have found a few places in Florida that serves something similar. 
There is a Shell Gas station in The Villages that has a restaurant owned by some transplanted Hoosiers (like myself). And although they went to Anderson High, they served me anyway. (My Muncie friends will get it)

They serve up a great rendition of what I ate as a kid. 

 We have a Bistro/Pub here in Ocala that makes what they call a “Midwesterner” that is also close  to sandwich that I remember.

 And we found a restaurant outside of Ocala that has a reasonable facsimile. 

But nothing says it better than HOME MADE. Right? So lets go on our quest for just the right recipe. This is only the beginning.

First of all it HAS to be a Port Tenderloin. Don't settle for anything else. Period. I have warned you. Any good meat market can set you up with the correct one. Or talk to your guy at the supermarket.

Cut tenderloin into 4 pieces

Place plastic wrap on counter
 (See, I did this incorrectly- Loins should be turned 90 degrees)

Put one piece on plastic wrap and top with another layer of wrap

Pound loin down to about ¼ of an inch thick. Now you are not hitting this with a sledge hammer. I hit the first one way too hard. Take it nice and easy. You'll get the hang of it.

Salt and pepper each side. Set on paper plate

Using 3 pie pans, place ½ cup of flour in pan one

In pan two, take 2 eggs and ¼ cup of Mayonnaise. Whisk well

In pan three, place 3 slices of bread and 16 Saltine crackers that you have mixed in the food processor

Using the wet/dry hand process, mix a piece first in the flour, then the egg mixture and finally in the breading. Make sure you “pat” each one to get rid of the excess breading. 

Set in the fridge to cool for about 2 to 3 hours.This is an important step. Make these early, so they have time to chill.

Another idea is to make a whole gaggle (southern word) of them and freeze them. I have not tested this idea. (yet)

A word here about the wet/dry hand idea. It never worked for me. Plan to rinse off your hands occasionally. Or use one hand to mix the loin and the other to hold your beer.

Now you can play with the dog and have a beer.

( If you're an old fart like me, you'll get this)

OK, it's been a couple of hours and you are really getting hungry.

Set your deep fryer to 375. When the fryer is up to temperature, set two pieces in the basket and lower.
 If you are used to deep frying just gently lower the loin into the basket. (Hey it works on Diners, Drive Inns, and Dives)

Now, do I have to tell you to be careful here ???? This stuff is hotter that the Cleveland Cavaliers. (Shameless plug here) Don't burn yourself. It takes all the fun out of it.

You can also pan fry these in some oil. I don't like the idea because I have a hard time maintaining the proper temperature. Deep Fryers are much safer. (Penny says if you are pan frying, to use a CAST IRON skillet)

Cook your tenderloins until golden brown. Mine floated to the top when they were ready. BUT, keep your eye on them. This is not a 'throw them in, then walk away' type of cooking

When they are done, place on a rack and keep warm in the oven

Repeat for the last two pieces.

When the four pieces are done, MAKE SOME FRIES and ONION RINGS !!!

I was concentrating only on the sandwich, so I used pre made fries. (Shame on me) But they came out just fine.

I ate mine with JUST lettuce, mater, and mayo. But you can play Burger King and have it your way.

 Don't they look good ??? Damn right they do.

And they are easy to make. You can prepare the loins ahead of time, then pop them in the fryer.

WARNING: Do not try to bake them. Well, if you must, OK. But I am not responsible.

Don't forget to save a piece for the dog, OR THE President.

                        (P.O.T.U.S. 22 & 24 Grover Cleveland)


Had a left over the next day for dinner. Heated in the Nuke Box for two minutes. The breading came out a little too moist, but was right tasty. Could have used a toaster oven instead.

I did not talk about the oil I used. 

I guess you could use peanut oil, but we used regular old MAZOLA.

See you all next time for another exciting trip to the kitchen.

Live long and prosper.

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