Friday, November 29, 2019


Hello Foodie Friends, and welcome back.

No recipes today, as we are recovering from yesterday's feast.

Penny and I cooked dinner for 8 this year. Although it was a long day, we had a great time with friends old and new.

So, I thought I would just share some of the foodie pics I took along the way and show you what we prepared.

So grab your morning coffee, (or adult beverage depending on the time of day you read this) and sit back at enjoy.

Hopefully we will encourage you to COOK AT HOME. Why go out ? This meal is not difficult to make, AND we didn't have to fight traffic or crowds to get to it.


First, a cute doggie picture 

 Now we can begin....

 The most important ingredient to your day is the RIGHT Tee Shirt. 

 And you MUST properly set the table
 Make sure you space them JUST RIGHT !!!

There are some things that we did the day before.

I made my famous Cranberry Sauce while Penny made Pecan and Pumpkin Pie.
Just kidding, I would NEVER serve this !!!

I made THIS !! (And forgot to take pictures, so these are from Last year)

And Penny's Pies

And I sacrificed my Beer Cooler so she had someplace to put the pies and thaw out the Turkey. Aren't I a saint ??

Moving on .....

Let's make some sides..... I was in charge of Mashed Up Taters

 The key to making these is to make them a few hours ahead of time, and throw them in the crock pot on "WARM". 

Penny made the Mashed Up Sweet Taters THE DAY BEFORE. And then put them in the oven while the bird was finishing it's thing.


And my Aunt Fran's Hot Rolls



 In the haste of the day, I did not get a photo of the finished product. Trust me... They were G R E A T 

The easiest part of the meal was the HAM.... Penny drove to Honey Baked on WEDNESDAY and picked it up. I was taking the pick um up truck to the rental place to get the table and four chairs.

 When she returned with the Ham, she fired up the GAS GRILL and grilled up some Pineapple.......SO GOOD..
While she made the Pinapple, I had an adult beverage

Now, let's make some STUFFING and STUFF that bird !!!

 I was on Chop Chop Duty



I have my hands FULL 
The stuffing was F A N T A S T I C !!!

Now, let's cook that bird..

                   Carving station set up in the garage
 Make sure you keep track of the internal temperature

 Ready to carve

While I was hacking away on the shop, Penny made the gravy....

WE FORGOT THE GREEN BEANS...... Just kidding, they have been heating up on the stove


 Don't forget the Adult Beverage.

It was a real feast, and well worth the time and efforts. 

So next time you get the urge to go OUT TO EAT, step back and take in a deep breath.

Then go into your kitchen and create something.... You can do it !!!

Live long and prosper

AND remember : Don't be a 'Craig'