Monday, March 19, 2018


Today, we are going to rustle up some good old fashioned comfort food.

Nothing says comfort more than home made meatloaf.

I have been on a quest for a good meat loaf recipe for years. You know, like the one mom always made.

I have tried several recipes with little or no success.

The big problem with meat loaf (as with many dishes) come long after the meal. Bloating, heartburn, the feeling of 'my god I ate too much.' This was the case of the last one I tried. Way too SPICY.

I found what looked like a great recipe on line and gave it a shot. I should have just blown up the recipe and moved on. But as I always say, if it doesn't come out good just “KEEP ON TRYING.”

Although I was raised primarily in Indiana, my roots are from West 'By God' Virginia. 
My bride was born and raised near Fairmont, so the roots run deep. 

But I digress.

I moaned and groaned about missing mom's meat loaf. It had the best characteristic of all. It made great sandwiches the next day.

Mom's been gone since '83 and her recipe has long disappeared.

However, Penny was able to track down an old childhood friend whose mother (so she says) made the best meatloaf in the world.

“Is it simple?” I asked.

“Very, even you can make it,”

Was that sarcasm, Sheldon?

So Penny was able to score a copy of Martha Smith's recipe for what I call 'West Virginia Meat Loaf'.

Let's give this puppy a try.
 Oops, wrong puppy.

Here is what you'll need.

5 Pounds Ground Chuck
1 CUP Bread Crumbs
5 TBL Finely chopped Onion
2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
3/4 Cups Milk
2 eggs
Catsup for the Glaze

In a bowl, mix the milk and bread crumbs together

In another bowl add the meat, and the rest of the ingredients

Have a beer

Add the bread crumb mixture and mix well with your hands 

Spray a baking dish with some vegetable oil.

Take the meat mixture and make it into the shape you desire.

Spread a little ketchup on top and place in the oven. (Yes I used store bought. SUE ME)

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

Check your temp after one hour. Should be around 150.

Remove and cover with foil and let sit for 15 minutes.

Cut it up and enjoy. And above all else, serve with a beer.

OK, here it is. SHE NAILED IT. It tasted just like Mom's. Not spicy, great texture, and tasted right out of this world.

We actually was able to take the drippings and throw together some meat loaf gravy to go along with the meal. That was something mom never tried, but Penny wanted to try it. 

Several weeks later, I had a friend over for dinner. We've been dining together every Wednesday night since 2003. Since he does not cook, we eat out on 'his night'. When my turn comes around I cook.

He loves meatloaf but says it always gives him raging heart burn. So I suggested he give up all that restaurant meat loaf and give mine a try.

I don't understand why restaurants need to spice everything up. I want the taste of the meatloaf, not a jar of hot spices.

I am happy to report that he loved it. The only discomfort he suffered was the fact that he ate three pieces.

I did not make the gravy this night, but served the meat loaf with some scalloped potatoes. That recipe is coming up.

SO there you have it. A great, simple, and right tasty old style meat loaf.

And wait till you have a cold meat loaf sandwich for lunch the next day.

As my late father in law always said. “Now that's good groceries.”

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