Friday, August 3, 2018


You can call it 'Marinara' Sauce if you like, but to me it's plain old SKETTI SAUCE !!!

This is my favorite thing of all time. My wife says this recipe is why I married her, AND I don't argue with her. I have to admit that it has taken me TWENTY NINE YEARS to talk her into teaching me the secret of her sauce. And I am going to share it with you. That's just the kind of guy I am. She learned it from the mother of her Italian boy friend. (She dumped him after she got the recipe) I WIN !!!!!

We usually use this as a base for spaghetti with meat balls or meat sauce. In fact, Penny has a vat of sauce and meatballs she took out of the freezer thawing out for a Friday night feast.
One of the reasons I am making this is I am going to be playing with a Lasagna recipe, and I need the basic sauce. This works for a multitude of recipes, so let's get this show on the road. 

Ingredients :

One BIG pot

2 - 28 OZ cans of Tomato Sauce
2 - 28 OZ cans of Tomato Paste

2 – Bay leaves (We get ours from the garden pot)
¼ CUP Parsley flakes

1 TBL Dried Basil
1 TBL PESTO (she makes her own, but I am sure you can find some at the store)
¼ CUP sugar
¼ CUP Red Wine (Optional – I used BEER)

½ CUP FRESHLY Ground Parmesan Cheese. (If you use that green can crap, I will hunt you down)

½ CUP FRESHLY ground Parsley
1 TBL of DRIED Oregano
7 Cloves of PRESSED Garlic

Lets MAKE IT !!!!

Put Tomato Paste & Sauce into the pot.

Add all the stuff above !!!! (CAN THIS BE ANY EASIER???)

Cook on medium for 40 minutes.

Let's have a beer while we watch Classic Florida Football on the SEC network 

When cooked, you can place it into containers to freeze and use ANY TIME. You can use this as a basic sketti sauce. (replacing that crap in a jar.) The only nice things about the jar kind is you can pour the sauce into the trash, and use the jar in the workshop to store your nuts and bolts.

There are lots of ways to use this sauce. Use it for plain sketti or sketti with meat sauce. How 'bout some meatballs? Or lasagna, loose meat sandwiches, or any other dish that may need a tomato sauce.

The ideas are endless. 

You can put this together during half time and never miss a play. Imagine your wife's surprise to find dinner ready for her when she returns home from shopping. And she thought you were sitting on your ass watching football all day. NO, you were slaving away in the kitchen just for her.

I'll keep your secret. But make sure you clean up the kitchen!!!

Cute doggie.....I mean kitty.....

 See you all next time.


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