Friday, November 16, 2018


Did you ever have one of those days when you didn't want to cook, nor go out??

This was the case this past Saturday. The Gators were on a two game losing streak, so they got a noon time start against South Carolina, and the former Gator Coach Will Muschamp (who got a raw deal at Florida)

Penny was out with a friend buying Roses for the yard, so I decided to have LEFT OVERS.

If you recall, we recently did a low carb Vegetable Beef Soup. Since we COOK AT HOME we had enough leftovers to throw in the freezer, just for a day like today.

You can get the recipe here: 

I am not much on throwing left overs in the Micro Wave. I don't think they heat evenly, and are good only in an emergency (IE: The game is starting)

We have plenty of time, the beer is cold so let's get to it.

 First things first


I took the soup out last night and let it thaw in the fridge. I then put it in the crock pot (ON MEDIUM) to heat it up.


OK, the soup is hot and the game is starting. Grab a beer and join me.

Damn, we're behind AGAIN.

OK so it's halftime, let throw together as couple of ham & cheese sandwiches to go with the soup.

You don't need a recipe for a sandwich do you ????? Just look at the pretty pictures.......

Yes, we started with a cute doggie. 

Now for the sandwich.

Don't forget the beer.

Let's eat, the second half is about to start.

So to my amazement, the Gators roared back an won 35-31

Ball State you ask? The MAC Conference did a TV deal with ESPN a few years ago, to move their games during the second half of the season to TUES/WED/THURS. It gives ESPN something to show and does give the schools some national exposure. But I have a rule that I only watch College Football on Saturday. Not during the week....oh well. F.Y.I. As of today, they are 4-7.

Up next is IDAHO , then Florida State. See you then.

Live long and prosper

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