Tuesday, February 19, 2019


I have to admit, my wife and I love Irish Pubs. We had one here in Ocala for a few years and fell in love with the decor and the general atmosphere. We also met a great bunch of Irish Bar Tenders.

We were also introduced to BAR FOOD, and one of my favorites was Shepherds Pie.

When we were looking for food to make in advance for freezing, we remembered this dish, and decided to re-create it. Most of the the credit for this one goes to the wife. The greatest cooking teacher in the world.

When ever we have a house sitter (for the dogs) we always try to prepare a few meals for her to make while she is here. (The dog can be a real pain in the ass.)

But isn't he cute?

We made a nice casserole for ourselves and several for freezing. It's always nice to have things in the freezer so you don't have to to “go out to eat.”

So lets get started. Here's is what you need.

First things first, get a beer

3 Small Onions

2 Medium Carrots

1 Cup Frozen Peas

3 Cloves Garlic
I added the Rose from our garden for our northern friends..he he

2 TBL All Purpose Flour
2 Cups Chicken Broth

¼ Cup Red Wine
1 tsp What's This Here Sauce ( I hare typing Worcestershire)

2 tsp FRESH Thyme 

2 1/2 lbs Ground Chuck (Also seen recipes using stew meat)
1 TBL Tomato Paste
3 TBL EVOO - Use 1 for half the meat 1 for the other half and 1 for the onions & carrots
2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper

5 lbs of Russert Potatoes

This is not a difficult recipe to make. (Another reason to like it) Just get all your chopping done and set aside.

Here we go

Peel your potatoes and cut into one inch cubes.

Place in bowl, add water to cover and put in fridge

Chop the Onions and Carrots

Peel and Press the Garlic

Remove stems from the Thyme and chop (set aside)

On medium high heat, brown your meat in two batches using 1 TBL EVOO each time add half of the Salt & Pepper as you go (drain well & set aside)

On medium heat, saute the Onions and carrots for 4 minutes, adding the rest of the Salt and Pepper.

Add Garlic Tomato Paste and Flour and Cook for 1 minute. (Stir as you cook)

Add Wine, WTH Sauce, and broth, cook for 30 seconds

Raise the heat just a notch
Add Thyme and Beef , bring to a boil then add lid and simmer for 30 minutes

After 30 minutes, remove from heat and add the frozen peas.

Let it all cool as you cook your taters.

Bring pot of water to boil (add 1 tsp of Salt)
Add taters and cook until soft, then Mash

I use a mixer adding warm cream and butter as I mash.

Pre Heat oven to 350

Spray your casserole dishes with cooking spray and add some beef mixture

Spoon on some mashed taters on top.

Add a couple of putter pats on top.

Place on a cooking sheet lined with foil and cook for 30 minutes

Take the extra casseroles and let them cool a bit before putting in the freezer.

I put them on a tray, let them freezer for a few hours. When firm, you can top with foil.

Serve with Irish Beer, or whatever you have in the cooler. 

I wish I could properly explain how fricking good this is. Brings back bar memories. And a few weeks later we yanked one of these out of the freezer and it was just as good. 

So get off your duff and make some freezer food. You can thank me later.

Live Long and Prosper.

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