Sunday, September 1, 2019


Neither rain, snow or a damn hurricane staring at us will deter us from a good meal and COLLEGE FOOTBALL.

It's WEEK ONE of College Football. (They called Florida & Miami WEEK ZERO)

Since Florida doesn't play until next week, today it's my alma mater BALL STATE and INDIANA. The game is slated to be played in Indianapolis. It should be a good one.

So, let's fire up the gas grill and do a Rotisserie Chicken.

This is similar to one we made a year or so ago. 


But hey give me a break. We need something simple and fast. According to the Weather Channel, we are all going to get blown into Georgia on Tuesday.

This is so easy. You put it on the grill and drink a beer.

Start with a COUPLE of ROASTER Chickens. Make sure you size them to fit your grill. Blot chicken with paper towels.

We used Salt & Pepper on one, and Grand Diamond Seasoning on the other
Remove the innards from the cavities.

Save these for making broth. (you are making broth ???)

Cut a half lemon in half. Put in cavity along with a slab of butter (seasoned butter 3 TBL)

Cut off the wing tips.

Put in fridge for 1 hour

Tie up the wings and legs

Baste with chicken broth and salt & pepper

Place on your Rotisserie

I turned gas to low and cooked for 2 hours. Baste them every 15 minutes. (I use Chicken Broth)

When internal temp of the chicken reaches 170 degrees, remove it from the Rotisserie.

Cover with foil and set it aside. Internal Temp should rise on it's own to 180

Make whatever sides you want. Salad? Baked tater? Your choice.

When you are ready, cut up the chicken and eat it.

Really easy, isn't it ??

Don't forget to save the bones so you can make broth. You are making broth, right?

The game was good, although Ball State lost 34-24 but that was not a surprise.

Thank god for HULU.

See you next week as the Gators return to the Swamp.


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