Wednesday, October 23, 2019



Hello Foodie Friends. As promised, here is what I did with the left over Braised Short Ribs we made a week or so ago.

For those of you who missed it, I will wait while you catch up'

OK you are back and my beer is empty, so lets begin.

Set Oven to 350

Drain and Saute some Mushrooms in Butter & Salt & Pepper Chop up Left over Short ribs

 Spay PAM into 2 small baking dishes

Place Tortillas on a damp Paper Towel and warm in the Microwave for 30 seconds

Add a little sauce to the bottom of the baking dish

Put Tortilla on a cutting board

ADD the meat & mushrooms

ROLL UP and cover with cheese, and more Sauce

Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes

Remove foil and cook for 20 minutes or until temperature reaches 150 degrees

Serve and ENJOY 

 Don't forget the healthy salad

This is a great way to use your left overs. It's quick and easy and is BETTER than going OUT to eat!!!!

These were SO SO SO GOOD. I am really getting into this Mexican thing.


And having left over night gives you more time to drink a beer and play with the cute puppy.

That's it for this quickie, see you all this weekend. The Gators are off this week preparing for Georgia, so no football this week. But we have a pork chop recipe we want to try out. So, see you then.


Live Long and Prosper

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