Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I love sketti. Plain and simple, it's my favorite food. I am a true PASTA lover. With this in mind you will find some really good recipes here for sketti. We'll do plain sketti, sketti with meatballs and sketti with meat sauce. We do it as many ways as we can.

This one is easy. Left Overs !!!!.

We have a Greek restaurant in Ocala named LAKIS that we have been eating at for well over twenty five years. http://places.singleplatform.com/lakis-greek-and-italian-restaurant/menu

They make all kinds of things Penny loves, and one thing for me. BAKED SPAGHETTI !!! 
I always wanted to try my hand at it. And the other night the opportunity arose.

We had friends over to celebrate my recent retirement from the work force. (I was in Broadcasting for almost 50 years. But I digress.) 

Penny made her famous Spaghetti & Meat Balls.

Don't worry. We will get around to that recipe (or something similar) when I can figure out how it's done.

Any who, I thought what a great way to use the leftovers. Let's bake it !!

In a casserole dish, put in a ungodly amount of pasta (cook it first). Then add a bunch of sauce, and a gaggle of meatballs. Then add 8-10 ounces of mushrooms (pre cooked). You can get small cans of mushrooms at the grocery. There are lots of choices. Top it all off with about three pounds of mozzarella cheese. (Just kidding, amounts are to taste) I USED 8 OZ

I am showing one serving PRIOR to adding the cheese for viewing clarity. Now add the damn cheese.

It's also a good idea to throw a couple rolls on a cookie sheet as well. I used Pepperidge Farms.
Make sure you have some garlic butter on hand.

Throw it all in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes. Check the temp with your handy dandy Thermo gadget. The hotter the better.

This made for a great dinner for Penny and me. AND I had enough left over for lunch the next day. 


½ POUND of you favorite PASTA
Left over sauce and meatballs
1 can Mushrooms
1 8 oz. bag of shredded whole milk Mozzarella Cheese
Place sketti in serving dish, then add sauce, meatball and mushrooms. I suppose you could stir it a bit if you so desire, I just did the 'layered' thing.

Add cheese on top, and bake in 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes or so. If it starts to brown on the edges, check the internal temperature. It should be about 150-160 degrees.

Using POT HOLDERS, place the baking dish on top of another dish and serve.
(I tried scooping it onto a dish, and it ruined the presentation. So eat it out of the baking dish.


The rolls are best served with garlic butter. Everything is better with Garlic Butter....


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