Thursday, September 19, 2019


Welcome back to Kill It, Cut It Up, and Cook It. 

This week we are literally throwing together some quick Chicken in the oven.

As you know, for the last year, I've been rebuilding our kitchen cabinets. And this past weekend was the tear out of the Upper Units and installation of the NEW ones.

Luck was with me as the Gators played yet another night game.. (In Kentucky) Ball State was not on TV in our area, so it gave me most of the day to work on our project

But it meant that I needed something quick and easy for dinner. That means either the Slow Cooker or the Oven.

I chose the Oven this week.

But first, let's install some cabinets. (You can't have beer until AFTER you are done.

 We hated those White things

In the truck waiting to go to Habitat For Humanity

New ones are in (Less the doors and the Vent)

NOW can I have a beer ????

Damn that was good. I think I'll have another one

Once a radio geek, always a radio geek.

OK, it's time for CHICKEN

But first, let's pet the cute doggie.

Put 1 cup of All Purpose Flour in a Brown Paper Bag. 

Add 1 TBL of Seasoning.
 (I used Carolyn's Grand Diamond - Mild)

You can add more or less, depending on your taste. After all, you're the COOK.

 Put the Chicken on paper plates. Then One Piece At A Time, place it in the bag with the Seasoning and Flour.  SHAKE to Coat. 

If you want, you can sing that Johnny Cash song as you SHAKE.

In a baking dish, add some oil and about 1/2 stick of butter, place in a 350 degree oven and melt. (Do Not BURN)   

 Place your chicken in the melted butter and oil as you get them coated with flour and seasoning
Add some Salt & Pepper

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, turn the chicken over and raise the oven temp to 400 degrees. 

Bake for another 20 minutes. Don't forget to reset your timer thingy.

Don't those look G R E A T ?

We added a salad and some Greenie Beans.

It made for a great dinner, even if the kitchen WAS a disaster. And we didn't have to EAT OUT!!!!!

Our new MOTTO:

So Football time came. Gators and Kentucky. The Gators played poorly UNTIL disaster hit late in the third. Our stating quarterback was carted off the field with a broken ankle. Done for the year.

Get well soon, Felipe Franks

We were behind 21-10 going into the fourth, with a back up quarterback who hasn't started a game since he was a freshman in High School.

This unknown quarterback (Kyle Trask) lead a 19 point surge to win the game !!!

 So it was a good day for Florida Football. U.C.F. also won. Florida Atlantic beat my Ball State Cardinals.


So, next week, Tennessee comes to the swamp. And FSU ??? 
Who ??

Live Ling and Prosper -- AND EAT AT HOME !!!!!


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