Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Hello, Foodie Friends. It's another GAME DAY for my GATORS and we take on Towsen in our last Pre Season game. (The real season starts next week- Auburn then L.S.U.)

Anyway, today we are taking the plunge down south of the border to find something Mexican that I will like. 


This recipe is one that we kind of made up as we went along, with plenty of advice from the boss. (Penny) And it is quick and simple. It also tastes better than something from the drive up window.

Our game starts at 4, so lets get the meat ready, watch the first half then have our feast.

Here's what you need


Saute your Ground Beef over medium heat

Drain the FAT

Put meat back in the Pan
ADD 4 TBL of Taco Seasoning

Cook 1-2 minutes to coat the meat

ADD ¾ Cup of Water
Reduce heat to SIMMER
Cook 5-10 minutes (or until Thickened)

Spoon off excess broth

Set aside to cool - then place in the cold box

With that done it's 4 PM and time for some football !!!!

But first, let's grab a refreshing ADULT Beverage


President Grover Cleveland not watching football

SO far so good, but I am getting HUNGRY

Pre Heat OVEN to 350

Chop up Lettuce

Dice Tomatoes

Dice Onion

Plus anything else you may prefer.

Warm the Tortillas in the Microwave

 We have been using these Low Carb soft Tortillas. They make a great substitute for bread

Line a Cookie Sheet with Parchment Paper

Warm up the meat in the Micro wave for 2 min

Add the Meat on the Tortilla – Add Cheese of your choice

Bake for 15 minutes
 As you can see, we used a TACO stand for two of these, and laid the other two flat on the cookie sheet. Either way works

Put on a plate – add your maters, lettuce and onion.

Add Hot Sauce if you like.

And as a bonus, we had leftover HOMEMADE Chili from Friday night. Popped that sucker in the RF Box for 4 minutes.

I know I always said I didn't like Mexicanese food. But I was somewhat less than correct. This was REALLY GOOD 

Penny says I am finally growing up. (It only took 68 years)

OH yeah, FOOTBALL  -  Gators blew them away 38-0

Now we get Auburn then L.S.U. Things are about to change 

Ball State did not play today. And U.C.F. had a late game but it started after my bed time.

So we had some good football, and a GREAT AND EASY meal.

Nothing is better than eating at home.

Live Long and Prosper

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