Sunday, April 26, 2020


Welcome back. Hope you are doing well and staying away from the unwashed masses.

I know I am.

Today, we are doing the easiest and fasted recipe EVER !!!!

I have a friend who eats out three times a day. I guess he is surviving on take out food.

I have asked him many times why he doesn't cook and take his lunch to work.

"OH, I don't have time to cook..I am so BUSY".......blah blah blah.

Well, dude......You can't say you don't have time for this...

It's a Baked Potato from the SLOW COOKER !!!!!!!

Penny was listening to a food pod cast the other day and they mentioned this method. When she told me about it, I was intrigued.

So I looked around the web thing and came up with this idea.

I decided to try it with one tater in the small cooker we use to keep gravy warm.

What a great way to get a baked tater, without resorting to that infernal RF BOX.

OK, It's really not baked...It's more like 'STEAMED"

But the results are the same IF NOT better.

And it takes about 4 minutes to prepare.

Now tell me you don't have 4 little minutes....

(Pants on fire yet???)

Here is all you do ::::::::::

Take a Potato  (As many as you have room for.)

With a fork, stab that puppy a few times on all sides.

Rub on some EVOO, and Salt them.

Wrap them in Foil.

Place in the Slow Cooker on a small rack or balls of foil.

Cover and set Cooker on Low.

Go play with the president.

Have a refreshing beverage

Come back in 8 hours.

Serve and enjoy.
Went well with Penny's Chicken Caccatorie
 and an Adult Beverage

See how EASY and QUICK that was????

Since all slow cookers are not created equal, I suggest you try this out on a weekend when you are at home. That way, you can adjust accordingly based on your own slow cooker.

I used my handy danger temperature device to keep track of things.

I found that once the tater reached 200 degrees it held there for some time.

I was amazed at how good this tater turned out. Light and fluffy and NOT DRY.

WINNER WINNER, Tater dinner.

Penny said it was the BEST baked tater she has had on 30 years.

Nice compliment.

So the next time you get a hankering for a Baked Tater, give this idea a try.

You can thank me later.

Remember, Eat at HOME !!!!!

Don't be a Craig  !!!!


Live Long & Prosper

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