Thursday, April 2, 2020


Hello friends.

I hope you are all well and staying away from everyone else. 

Together, we can AND WILL get through this time.

In my world, the GOVERNOR of Florida announced that as of midnight tonight, the state of Florida will be on 'lock-down.'

No going out except to obtain necessary items.  Food and beer.

Here at Kill It Cut It Up & Cook It,  we have been sheltering in place for the past two weeks, so this is nothing new for us.

I thought we would take this time to catch up on a TON of recipes that we have not yet talked about.

I did mention the other day that we were going to show you how to make your OWN Pesto.

It's a great addition to many sauces and salads. Many recipes call for it, so here we go.

But first things first.

Ingredients :

I know there are 3, but use 4

 Remove the stems


Put garlic and walnuts in food processor. PULSE

Put on a plate and set aside.

Put basil in the food processor and grind away

Add 1 cup of freshly grated Parmesan 

Add the nuts & garlic (They are on the plate you set aside)
Add ½ TSP of EVOO and grind

Add ½ TSP of salt and grind
Add another ½ cup of EVOO and grind again


Put big spoon fulls on a wax covered cookie sheet & freeze..

After they are frozen you can remove them from the cookie sheet and place in plastic bags. Return them to the freezer.

The next time one of our recipes needs pesto, you will have it on hand.


Or, you can put it in a bowl and use immediately 

It is so easy, and always nice to have when making your sauces.

There you have it. Easy Pesto. You can thank me later,

Coming up on KICIU&CI :

I've been wanting to experiment with some Turkey. I found a 'smothered' Turkey Wing recipe that was just out of this world.

And the boss, gave me a bread baking lesson. 

The low carb diet is ON HOLD...Like life

That's all coming up as we 'hunker down' here in Florida.

At least we have electricity !!

And beer !!!

Be well, be happy, and BE SMART !!

Stay the hell at home !!!!!! 

See you next time.....

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