Friday, July 21, 2017


     I love a good chopped salad. I try to have one every evening. 

     And the bigger the salad the better.

     Nothing goes better on a salad than good ole Thousand Island dressing.

     I no longer go to Ruby Tuesdays because the removed this favorite of mine from their salad bar. They also raised the damn price, but that another story.

      One thing that always worried me was the high salt content, not to mention all the preservatives they put into this dressing. Are you kidding me? 250mg of SALT !!!

     So we started to make our own.

     There are many recipes available for home made Thousand Island Dressing on the web. Ours is one my wife has been making for many years. I love the taste, and I know the salt content is lower.


2 TBL chopped RED Onion

1 Cup Mayonnaise

1 TBL RICE Wine Vinegar (Plain)

2 TBL of Ketchup (prefer Home made)
           (I will show you how to prepare it in our next post)

2 TBL Pickle Relish

2 TBL Artificial sweetener

¼ Tsp Salt

Ground Pepper (whatever amount you prefer)

Place all the ingredients into a bowl.

Wisk it until combined.

Put in a jar and refrigerate.

     This takes about five minutes to put together. SO why go with the  store bought salt laden, bad for you stuff, when you can prepare this yourself? 

     No, I don't want to hear that you don't have the TIME. Bull s..t, we ALL have five minutes. So put the damn phone down and make something !!!!

     Don't like salads ??? Make it anyway. It tastes similar to McDonald's BIG MAC special sauce. So grab some meat, fire up the grill and have a beer,

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