Wednesday, July 19, 2017


OK boys and girls, let get some BROTH !!!

Many recipes call for using Beef Broth. And I just want to scream when those TV cooks open a store bought container of broth.

Do they have ANY idea how much salt and preservatives are in that crap? No, of course not. That would require READING the LABEL.

One of the first things we did here was CHICKEN broth. I use it all the time. And if you made that recipe, (You did make it, right?) you know how damn easy it is. It's so easy Tim the Tool Man could make it. Although he would probably burn the crap out of his hand.

Here's how it goes.

Place 5 pounds of BEEF BONES in a roasting pan. 

We got 10 pounds of free range beef bones at the farmers market. Pre frozen for us in five pound bags, we threw one bag in the freezer for use later. Yeah at six bucks a pound it was expensive. BUT it makes so much broth, the cost would be comparable to store bought. And home made is better for you.

OK, lecture over.

Add - 4 carrots cut up along with 4 stalks of celery.

Roast in 350 degree oven for about an hour. Have a beer while you wait

Beef Bones should be brown.

Let them cool and have another beer.

Put it all in a STOCK POT. Scrape in all the leavings from the roasting pan as well.

ADD 2 quarts of water. And ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar.

 I had help from the boss, thus the other beer.

Cover and bring to boil (about 15 minutes) then turn DOWN to a simmer.

Temperature should be around 208 degrees and you should see an occasional bubble

Cook about 4 hours, then add another QUART of water. 

What you do now is up to you. Being summer in Florida, it's too damn hot to work outside. I had a beer and watched CLASSIC Florida football on the SEC network. 

  Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images

Cook broth overnight (about 18 hours) Check often. DO not let it cool down, SIMMER !!!

Damn, does it smell good.

Using a slotted spoon or strainer, remove all the bones, veggies, and beef pieces.

Strain remaining broth through cheesecloth into containers. 

Place a frozen water bottle into the container with the hot broth and let cool

When the ice melts, replace the ice bottle .

When the liquid cools to about 70 degrees, place in refrigerator. This makes a TON..

The next day, remove the fat layer from the top of the container.

Put in smaller containers and freeze...

DONE !! 

Time for a beer....

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