Friday, September 29, 2017


As I mentioned, I have a friend coming over for our bi weekly Wednesday Night Dinner.
I have the little Apple Pies all ready to go, and now it's time for the main dish.

This is another one I found on my ROKU Player from

It's Chicken A LA King.

I found this to be VERY similar to a POT PIE my wife makes. I love it.

In the video, Chef John serves this over Mashed Potatoes. I thought that was interesting. So let's try it. Maybe we should have some biscuits on the side?

Here is what you will need. There is a bit of preparation for this meal, so take your time and get all your stuff ready to go BEFORE you start cooking.

Ingredients for two large, or four small portions:

6 tablespoon unsalted butter

1/2 pound sliced mushrooms

2 large shallots, minced

1 cup diced sweet bell peppers

salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1/3 cup to 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, depending on how thick you want it

1/4 cup dry sherry (there is no substitute, except maybe a little splash of a mild,
sweeter vinegar)

3 1/2 cups chicken stock or broth

pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

pinch of cayenne pepper

2 teaspoons fresh thyme

1 tablespoon Italian parsley

1/3 cup creme fraiche or heavy cream

4 cups cubed roasted chicken

fresh chives to garnish

I added:

½ cup of Frozen Peas
1 whole carrot chopped
Couple of shakes of Celery seed
1 Stock of chopped Celery

how to make

As always, I start with a cold refreshing adult beverage

For the chicken, we bought two pre cooked roasted chickens at the store. We removed the meat and chopped it into bite size pieces. 

All the left over meat we will freeze and the bones and stuff we will use to make broth.

Add butter to pan and melt on medium high

When butter is melted, add Mushrooms & a pinch of salt

Salute then cook for 5 minutes

Add Onions, Celery & carrots

Turn to Medium to make a roux
Add Flour and cook for 5 minutes.


Add Peppers and Sherry and cook for 1 minute
Add your chicken stock

Set burner to medium high
When mixture 'bubbles', turn to medium low
Cook for 15 minutes
Add Fresh Nutmeg, Paprika, some ground Pepper and Celery seed
Stir and add Thyme & Parsley
Stir and add Cream and the Chicken Pieces
Reduce Heat to LOW and cook for another 5-10 minutes

See how easy it looks? Just have your crap together when you start and follow the bouncing ball.
(I watched WAY TOO much Mitch Miller when I was a kid.)

Full disclosure. I used pre made mashed potatoes. I know, I know. It's against my norm, but I wanted this to be easy for you.
 This is not what I used, bit it's close enough. I forgot to take a close up.
 I also used the Pop N Fresh tube stuff.
SO sue me. But enjoy the dinner first, before you call your Lawyer.

Next up is tomorrows Game Day Lunch. Loose meat sandwiches, with chips and baked beans. See you next week

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