Tuesday, November 7, 2017


With the Florida football season in shambles, I guess I need to pick another team to watch.

Decisions, decisions. Do I go with Alabama ? 

My wife did go to high school with their coach.

Naw, not good enough.

How about Georgia? 
 They are probably the best team I have seen this year.
  Naw, that dog is just too damn ugly. (Just kidding Georgia fans. No calls, please.)
 Now this is a cute dog. (President Grover Cleveland) He should be a college mascot.

Maybe I'll just turn on the Hallmark channel and watch all those silly ass Christmas movies.

I know !! Let's eat.

I love rib eye steaks. Probably my favorite meal. Next to pasta. And cookies.

Can beer be considered a meal?

Anyway, Penny has wanted to try out some of those frozen French fries in our new deep fryer, so we decided to give it a try. Along with some onion rings

 Let's first talk about the steak. Get a standard rib eye and season it to your liking. We use Adolph's seasoning. 

 Salt and pepper also works well.

Get your grill good and hot. (around 450 or so) 

Slap that puppy on and set your timer for TWO

minutes. Now don't move a muscle. Really. I mean it.

When that timer goes ding a ling, turn the steak 90 degrees and set your timer again for two minutes. 

Now don't move a muscle. Really. I mean it. (Is there an echo in the room?)

When the timer goes off, you may turn the steak over. Same deal. Two minutes, turn 90 degrees and cook for two more.

Use your handy dandy temperature probe, and give that steak a colonoscopy. Temp should be around 150 or so. (or a temp to your liking) Pull it off and wrap it in some foil. Don't mess with it for 5 minutes and 32 seconds.

Using your deep fryer, (Penny helped while I grilled) bring it up to 350 degrees. Put in a basket of fries. Cook until golden brown. We also did a run of onion rings as well.

More visual aids.

Don't forget the salad and a cold adult beverage. And always remember to take your vitamins.

 OK, meal time has come and gone and the steaks were AWESOME. Damn good. Add a cold beer and I was in heaven. The fries were good but not up to par with fresh hand cut taters. (Store bought fries will work in a pinch, but I would rather cut my own)

Give it a try, and enjoy your creations.

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