Friday, March 27, 2020


And welcome back fellow S.I.P.'ers (Shelter in Place) 

It's times like these that I thank the powers to be (my wife) that we have a fully stocked kitchen pantry. There is always a meal to be made. (Without going OUT)

Also glad that we have friends who make a store run and then shows up on your doorstep.

I also love their dog.

All jokes aside, these are trying times for all of us. Especially those of us over that magical age. 

So let's go back to the pantry and see what we can see.......

How about some SOUP !!!!

Let's make Minestrone

Here's what you need

2 Large Potatoes (Cut into ½ inch squares)

 not very square, are they?

2 Large Green Onions (chopped - use all of it)
 These came from our garden

3 Small Carrots (chopped fine)
½ of a Medium SWEET Onion (Chopped fine)
2 Celery stalks (Chopped fine)

3 Cloves of Garlic (Chopped fine)

¼ Cup Kale (Chopped)
 Also from the garden

Small Parmesan Rind
½ Cup of PESTO   (Home made from our garden)

1 ½ Cup of Broth (Chicken of Turkey)
Home made, of course

14 ½ oz Can Diced Tomatoes (Blended)

15 ½ oz Can White Kidney Beans
1 Cup of Ditalina Pasta 

Water – As needed

Saute Onions in 2 TBL EVOO

Add Celery & Carrots

Saute then add Garlic

Saute for 2 minutes
Add Broth, Tomatoes, & 2 Cups of water

Salt & Pepper to taste
Add Potatoes, Parmesan Rind & Pesto

Add 1 Cup water
Bring to a boil.
You may want another cup of water here.
After it starts to boil, reduce heat to simmer
Put a lid on it and simmer for 40 minutes

While we wait, let's go out on the porch for a refreshing adult beverage .... or two

After 40 minutes, add the Beans, Kale, & Pasta

Cook until Pasta is done.
Salt & Pepper to taste

 taste test !!!!!

Remove the Parmesan chunks

Salt & Pepper to taste.

When serving you can add a sprinkle of Red Pepper Flakes to kick
it up a notch

 you can add some Parmesan on top
 or not
a little 'heat' doesn't hurt

After it cools a bit, put the left overs in a container. Add some frozen water bottles in order to bring the temp down to 70-80 degrees.... Remove the bottles and place in the cold box.



Yeah, it needs Mushrooms..........

Seriously, this was SO GOOD. The Parm and the Pesto adds so much flavor. You need to make this... OH, you don't have any PESTO? And you don't know how to make it ??? Do not fear, the wise one is here. We will do that NEXT on Kill It, Cut It Up & Cook It.

See you then, and remember:



Live Long & Prosper

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