Thursday, March 30, 2017



I love deserts and cinnamon. They are my favorite things. And I broke the rule on this one by BUYING the dough from 'Pop & Fresh'. It was worth it.
I love the INTERNET, as you can find anything there, including great recipes.

This takes about 10 minute to put together, and is easy as pie. Or should I say dumplings? HA HA.

Here is what you need

2 cans Crescent Rolls. See the 'Pop & Fresh' isle
16 whole Frozen Peach Slices
1-1/2 stick (3/4 Cup) Butter
1-1/4 cup Sugar
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
Ground Cinnamon, For Sprinkling
1 can Sprite, 7-Up, Or Mountain Dew 8 to 20 oz I used SPRITE
Extra Butter, For The Pan
Whipped Cream, Or Ice Cream For Serving

Butter a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Roll each peach slice in a crescent roll. Place in the pan.

Melt butter in the microwave, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir once or twice, then pour the entire mixture over the rolls/peaches in the pan. I used a brush to make sure ALL the rolls were coated. Then pour 8 to 10 oz of the can of Sprite around the edges and in the middle of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon.


Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. 

While it cooks, have a beer. Or play with the dog.
That's not a dog !!
 Remove from the oven and let sit 10 minutes before serving. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top.

DAMN !! Doesn't that look delicious ??

This is my new favorite desert.. so easy and so damn GOOD !!!!! And I surprised the wife as she loved it too.

I served mine with some Cool Whip. You could also use Ice Cream (Vanilla or Peach)

I do have a couple of suggestions.

If you have any peaches left over, you can put them along side the rolls. My motto is “More Peaches”

This makes a TON. You might want to cut it in half. Or take left overs to work. Or eat them all yourself. Your doctor will love you !!

Left overs can be eaten cold or heated up in the microwave (about 30 seconds) I LIKED IT EITHER WAY. It made for a GREAT Breakfast.

Another variation would be to use apple slices. That sounds yummy. Or a combination of both. 

Maybe fresh apples and peaches ???

I bought a bag of mixed frozen fruit since peaches only was not available. I should have tried the MANGO

Be brave, be exciting and don't forget to EXPERIMENT...

Have fun !!

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