Wednesday, March 15, 2017


OK, 'BEEF LOVERS' get ready for the best damn thing ever !!

      I love Meat, but just a bit more than Potatoes. Add some Gravy and I am ready to fall in love !!!

      So far, this is the best thing I have ever made. But it does have a bit of a back story.

      Growing up, I had a mother who insisted that both her boys learn how to make a 'simple' meal, do some laundry without turning everything pink, AND sew on a button or two. I always thought that was silly but it did serve me well during my single years.

      Yeah, I can sew on a button or two, (I also know where the department stores are.) I started doing my own laundry at fifteen.      

     And holding down two jobs and going to college, I learned how to make simple meals. And how to eat fast!!

     Pot Roast has been one of my 'go to' meals over the years. But this recipe (with a bit of help from the better half) really knocked my SOCKS off. And Penny's as well.

      This is a great weekend meal. You can put it together during half time, enjoy your favorite team, and have a feast afterward. Or you can go outside and play with the dog.

AAAHH, Isn't he the cutest damn thing you ever saw ?

So, as the comedian says, “LET'S GET ER DONE”


1 LARGE ONION (Cut into 4 pieces)
4 OR 5 CARROTS (Cut into 3 inches each)
1 CUP OF CHICKEN BROTH (you did make that earlier recipe, right ?)
2 TABLESPOONS WONDRA FLOUR per each cup of juice.
Cut potatoes in half
Pre heat oven to 350.

     First things first. Open a beer.

     Prepare your veggies as listed above.
     In a large cast iron pot, add a bit of oil and brown the meat on all four sides. Add some salt & pepper

      When nice and brown, remove meat. Add all the veggies, salt & pepper, then place meat ON TOP of the added veggies.

      Pour the broth over the meat

      Cover pot and cook for one hour. Go to the work shop, go outside or enjoy the game. Have another beer. It's your call.

     I am going to go play with President Grover Cleveland.

Looks like he is having a presidential nap. Oh well, guess I'll watch the game instead.

     OK, It's been an hour and I'm back. Gators lost again so I guess I need to turn the roast over.

      Remove the top and cook for another hour.

      Didn't I tell you this was easy, Jeez, why in the hell would you go out to eat?
      Check temp. When 170 degrees remove the meat. Put on a platter and cover with foil.

      Place veggies in a bowl and cover with foil.


      Using a strainer, strain the remaining juice into a small pan. Place on burner and bring to a boil.
     Add Wondra Flour into a jar, along with 1/3 cup water. Shake to mix.
      Add this mixture to the boiling juice from the roast. Stir, stir, stir. Add pepper.

      Cut the meat, cover with gravy and enjoy.

     Only thing missing is you.....


Doesn't that look great !!!!!! 

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