Saturday, March 11, 2017



'KILL IT, CUT IT UP AND COOK IT'  is more than just good recipes. Every now and then we will head out to a local eatery and see what they have to offer us food lovers. I love Steak and Burgers, and Penny likes all kinds of 'stuff', so no telling where we may end up. It will be mostly local venues, but I'll throw in a few national restaurants for you 'out of town readers'. 


This week finds us at Romas Italan NW of Ocala, FL just down the street from our new retirement home.

     Disclaimer: This place has a reputation for the owner (Lorenzo) being one of the rudest people on the face of the planet. Their customer service gets terrible reviews. So, be warned. For me, I don't go there to be buddy buddy with the owner. I go for the food. And frankly I haven't had any issues with him.


      My wife and I moved into our retirement home in the NW part of Ocala last fall. Long time residents of Ocala, we have been to many of the restaurants in town. But the move put us in very close proximity of Roma's.

     My favorite is the meatball sub and it is probably the best meatball sub in town.We will have to try out another local eatery (LaBellas) and do some comparisons. 

 Doesn't that look GOOD ??

And the dinner salad is top notch.

      Of course, these are just a sampling of what they have available. The last time I picked up our carry out, I noticed they also have Burgers on the menu. So one Wednesday night a friend and I decided to give them a try on our quest for the “Best Burger” in Ocala.

      I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and taste. Burgers are not something you would think of in an Italian Restaurant. I would have thought that a burger in a place like Romas  would be a 'second' thought on their part. How wrong I was.

Not bad !!!!

      It was very good. The fries were NOT over salted and piping hot. (Better than Hooters, a step below Lunch Box)

      One word of warning. My friend bought me a gift certificate ($30.00 plus 2.07 tax for the governor) for my birthday. When Penny and I went for dinner the total came to exactly thirty dollars. (How did I plan that??) Plus $2.07 for the governor. I explained to our server that they could not charge sales tax twice. She said she could not change it. I explained that the Florida Department of Revenue would probably take a dim view of this practice, and she responded. “Well, all I can do is get the manager. If you really want me to.” See disclaimer above. Obviously, she was trying to shield me from having to deal with him. In her mind, I would have been better off just paying the extra $2.07 and avoid the confrontation.  I told her I thought it would be a wonderful idea to go get the man. And she should probably show him my friends receipt, as well. She returned shaking her head. “He agreed with you.” It was a look of total surprise. I smiled and thanked her. A few minutes later, Lorenzo came to our table. He told me it was fine, he would take the tax off. Not a great apology, but I'll take it.  Looking up at the server I said. “I really don't care about the two dollars and seven cents. I am just adding it to the tip anyway. I just don't want the Governor to get it.” That bought a smile to her lips. 
      So if you buy a gift certificate for someone, make sure you give them the RECEIPT. No sense giving the Governor any more than we have to.

     All in all, it's a great little place if the food is more important then being friends with the owner.
I go there on a regular basis. He doesn't have to like me, all he has to do is cook great food.

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