Thursday, March 30, 2017



Wednesday night (1-25) found Penny and I off to Hooters for 

a quick dinner. Our plans with friends fell through so we 

decided to go out. And we chose Hooters.

Hooters came to Ocala many years ago, but closed due to a 

franchise issue. They returned about a year ago in a new 


The restaurant was not crowded but the music was TOO loud. 

We asked for a seat as far away from the loud noise as 

possible, and they were happy to move us to a corner seat. It 

was still louder than I like. I'm not even going to address their 

choice of music.

When I go out to eat, I like to converse with the person I am 

with. Not having to yell at them over loud and usually crappy 

music. They need to tone it down a bit. Well, more than a bit.

Our server was attentive and friendly. She quickly took our 

order and got our drinks.

I ordered the Bacon Cheeseburger on Texas Toast with steak 

fires. I have ordered it on previous visits and always found it 

to be good. Penny is the wing person of the family and she 

ordered the Hot Wings and Curly Fries. Whoop Whoop 

Whoop. (That's my Stooges intimation)

I have never been a fan of finger food. Wings are messy, and 

frankly not  appetizing to me. Putting ones fingers in your 

mouth (or mine) and making noises is disgusting to me, but I 

forged through it.

Our food arrived in a timely manner. It might have taken 

longer than normal, but once I have a beer, I am the most 

patient person on earth.

Within a minute, Penny's fingers were a gooey greasy mess. 

That's why I'm a burger guy.

I am not a wing fan, but Penny loves them. Look at all that 

goo !!!

The curly fries looked good but were a bit cold. I find that to 

be true of most orders of Curly Fries. I don't know what it is, 

but Steak Fries seem to be warmer.

My burger was good but the toast was soggy on the side that 

was sitting on the plate. Perhaps it sat too long before they 

brought it out. Needless to say, the bread came apart.

Although it tasted good, it was a mess to eat. I think next time

I will order it on a regular bun, rather than the Texas Toast.

The Steak Fries were excellent. With a bit of a 'curl' it gave me 

plenty of room to scoop up the catsup. As with most 

restaurants, the Steak Fries were a bit over salted.

All in all, not a bad experience but not a great one either. 

Owing to the loud music, soggy bread and over salted fries, I 

give it a C minus on my eatery scale.

That being said, I will probably return and give them another 

chance. If nothing else, just for the scenery.

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